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Vliegschaamte (Flight Shame)

Last Sunday, I was visiting my aunt & uncle, whom I haven’t seen in over a year. While enthusiastically telling them about my experience in San Francisco, month-long travel in Central America and plans for the future, my youngest cousin asked:

“How do you feel about flying all over the world, if you’re such an advocate for sustainability?”

To be honest, I was caught pretty off guard, felt slightly irritated, and maybe even offended at first. At the time, I was somehow able to avoid the question but it has been nagging at me since. On the one hand, it felt a bit like a sneer, but on the other, I knew deep down, she was right.

It is a bit hypocritical. For someone so passionate about climate change to be flying all over the world. Yet, in my head, I’ve always managed to justify it. I never felt like I was flying that much.

The fact that my parents live in Barcelona feels unfair as the train is expensive and takes a long time. Going on a month-long trip to Mexico, after four years stuck in Europe, felt like the exception. Flying to San Francisco for an internship felt reasonable and since I was already there, I combined it with a trip to Central America. Next year, I have plans to visit South Africa, Sri Lanka and Indonesia because I’ve been considering moving abroad and want to figure out where I might settle down.

It always felt like I had a good reason to fly, and never took it lightly. But I do fly more than most average people. It’s difficult because it feels unfair as there will always be people who fly more. The other side is that there will always be people that fly less. Then I become that person flying senselessly.

To me, it’s not senseless. If I can take a train I will. Unfortunately, it’s just not always possible. In the end, I think sustainable lifestyle choices are always going to be a battle as they are highly subjective and dependent on what you find important in life.

Would I fly to be able to see my parents twice per year? Yes.

Would I rather fly to be able to learn about opportunities on other continents in the world? Yes.

Would I fly for an educational experience? Yes.

Is there another way to get there?